Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lost in Translation

One thing that never fails to make me giggle here in Brazil is the creative (and often hilariously inappropriate) use of English. T-shirt sayings, store names, brands, you name it-- Brazilians think a little dose of English makes just about anything cooler or more interesting. While some people speak amazingly well, the average use of foreign languages is a bit shaky. Lucky for me, this misuse is often extremely entertaining. Here are just a few of my favorites:

Store names in English:
Mr. Cat (shoe store)
Pink Box (yogurt lie...couldn't make this up)
Enjoy (clothing store)
Rape (clothing store....they clearly have no idea)
Snake Pit (music store)
Folic (clothing the acid?whuh?)
Jungle 44 (furniture store)
Cribb (clothing store)
Between (children's clothing store)

T-shirt sayings:
"I think of you in cool hours"
"The mustache made me do it"
"Wicked oils"
"Snatch sports" (seriously???)
"Exit boy" (hmmm...)
"Arpoador- son of a beach"
"Oh my dog!"
"Carpe diem flavah!"
"Anti" (so, you're just against...everything?)
"It's all about me dude. Have the best blast!"
"It's not too late to love you; to save the water; to save the forest"
"The South Butt" (Had the same logo as the North Face...almost peed my pants when I saw it)
"Pretty kitty pink girl love" (WTF?)

It makes me want to start a business that imports nonsense shirts in English to Brazil and nonsense shirts in Portuguese to the U.S. I could be a billionaire! Why, oh, why am I still in school?? hahaha

Until next time...

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